A personal database is used to store frequently used, unique, or customized information. This provides faster access to targeted information for use across all studies and projects.
- Click
- Select the Property type of information that you want to include in your database, for example, Thermoplastics Material.
- Click
Browse from beside the Name box. The Database Name dialog appears.
- Enter a suitable name in the File name box and click Save.
Note: Personal databases are stored in the udb folder in your Projects directory.
- Click OK.
- Click Databases >>.
The Properties dialog expands to reveal all the System database records relevant to the property type you set previously.
Note: If the required record is in another personal database, select that database from the drop-down list.
- Select the record to be transferred to your new database.
- Click Copy. The selected record will be copied into the list at the top of your personal database.
- Click OK when all the records required are added to your database.
You can now access these records in this database from any project or study.
Note: Records may be added after the creation of the personal database.