Set the default runner, sprue, and cooling channel sizes. These will be available from any dimension drop-down list in the Runner, Sprue, Gate and Cooling Channel properties dialogs.
To access this dialog, click
Note: The available modeling tools depend on the mold type you selected.
Dialog elements
- List of Sizes
- Specify standard sizes for the Runner Properties, Gate Properties or Sprue Properties default dimensions.
These values are available for selection from any dimension drop-down list.
Note: You can either add/remove sizes individually, or load a Standard Runner Sizes (*.srs) file.
- Size
- Enter a value and click Add to move the value to the list of standard sizes.
Note: If you choose to balance the runner system, the runners are changed to the nearest value in this list.
- Add
- Moves a value entered in the Size text box to the list of standard sizes.
- After a value has been added, it becomes available for selection from any dimension drop-down list in the Runner Properties, Gate Properties or Sprue Properties dialog.
- Remove
- Removes a value from the list of standard sizes.
Note: If you choose to balance the runner system, the runners are changed to the nearest value in this list.
- Standard Sizes List
- Select one or multiple values to enable the Remove and Save buttons.
- Once you have added sizes or loaded a (*.srs) file, you can select these values from any dimension drop-down list in the Runner Properties, Gate Properties or Sprue Properties dialog.
- Load
- Loads the values from a Standard Runner Sizes (*.srs) file.
Upon activation, the Open dialog appears. Select a (*.srs) file type from the Files of type drop-down list, locate your File, and then click Open.
Once you have loaded a (*.srs) file, you can select these values from any dimension drop-down list in the Runner Properties, Gate Properties or Sprue Properties dialog.
- Save
- Saves the list of sizes to a Standard Runner Sizes (*.srs) file format.
Upon activation, the Save As dialog appears. Enter a File name, select (*.srs) as the file type in the Save as type drop-down list, and then click Save.
Note: If you choose to balance the runner system, the runners are changed to the nearest value in this list.