Adding an animation to an existing report

To add an animation to an existing report, you must have a report generated.

An animation or AVI displays how simulation properties vary over time. You can add an existing animation or AVI to a report, or create one based on an analysis result. Depending on the report type, the wizard generates the animation in animated GIF format or AVI format. PowerPoint or Word reports can create only AVI animations. HTML reports can create GIF or AVI animations.

Note: You must have Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Word installed to create project reports in (*.ppt) and (*.doc) formats, respectively. To view the files, ensure the associated image and animation file types are set to open with the appropriate Microsoft programs by default.
Note: To view an animation in a PowerPoint or Word report, double-click the animation to see it play.
  1. Select the result plot you want to animate. You may select more than one result.
  2. Click Animation (Report tab > Reports panel > Animation). The Add Animation dialog appears.
    Note: If you have more than one report available, the Select a Project Item dialog appears. Select the appropriate report, and then click OK.
  3. Enter a name for the animation and any descriptive text required. Click Animation Properties.

    The Animation Properties dialog appears.

  4. Select the Generate animation option to create a new animation. Alternatively, click Use existing animation, and then Browse to locate an existing animation, or AVI.
  5. If Generate animation is selected, the Animation format drop-down arrow becomes available. Select either Animated GIF, or AVI Movie.
  6. In the Animation size area, enter the Height and Width.
  7. In the Rotation Angles area, define a rotation using X,Y, and Z coordinates.
  8. Click OK twice.