Solver message 220013

Message text

** WARNING 220013 ** Iteration limit reached while convergence measure was %12.6G.


The 3D Flow analysis uses a segregated iterative solution of velocity, viscosity and pressure at each time step. These iterations can sometimes fail to converge to the specified tolerance within the specified maximum number of iterations. If this warning message is seen at only a few time steps, and the residual convergence measure is less than one, then typically the results accuracy will still be acceptable. If, however, the residual convergence measure is much greater than 1, and the warning occurs for many time steps, then it is likely that the results accuracy will be poor. In this case, the results should be carefully examined to check that there were no sudden jumps in the filling pattern or abrupt changes in result values. This warning can occur if there is a sudden jump in the applied injection pressure or flow rate.


Increase the iteration limit in the "Time-step iteration controls" in the Solver Parameters. Remesh the original CAD geometry starting with a better quality (lower aspect ratio) Dual Domain mesh and specifying a lower "maximum allowed aspect ratio" in the tetrahedral meshing. If you have specified a ram speed or packing profile, allow a short transition period for large pressure or flow rate changes.