Gate location analysis result

The Gate location analysis result rates each place on the model for its suitability for an injection location.

This result is output using the Gate Region Locator algorithm, which uses a combination of conditions to determine the best injection location and subsequent injection locations. The most suitable areas are rated from most suitable (best) to least suitable (worst).

If there are no existing injection locations on the model, the Gate Location analysis determines the best place for a single gate based on the selected material.

When one or more injection locations already exist, this result suggests the best place for the next injection location. It balances the flow, so that areas filled from each gate fill at the same time.

Using this result

To use the Gate Region Locator algorithm, place an injection location somewhere within the recommended locations, in a position that best suits the mold or part design constraints and then run a Fill analysis. Test several locations by running a Fill analysis from each location and then compare the results.

The areas recommended for the injection location are the areas worth pursuing as potential injection locations.

The best areas shown on the result do not necessarily represent a good solution (high quality part, or high confidence of fill), but rather the best one for the case at hand using the selected material.

Areas with the same color represent equally suitable positions.

When you have evaluated the Fill results using different injection locations to determine the best location, find that area on your model, and add an injection location.

Things to look for