Saving Changes Using the Synchronizing with Central Operation

In a Revit session, you use Collaborate tabSynchronize panelSynchronize with Central to start saving changes. First you load changes from other files to the central file, and then save local changes to the central file, which are saved by default.

The Central File Access pane of Worksharing Monitor displays the progress of the Synchronize with Central operation, which involves several distinct steps. These steps are tracked in the Step/Time Remaining column.

A Synchronize with Central operation involves the following steps:

  1. Querying Changes: Determines whether the central file has changed since the local file was last updated.
  2. Updating Local File: Updates the local copy of the project file to match the most recent version of the central file (if the central file changed after the local file was last updated).
  3. Saving Changes when Synchronizing with Central: Saves changes made in the local copy of the project file to the central file.
  4. Saving Local File (optional): Saves changes to the local copy of the file, if this option is selected by the user when initiating a Synchronize with Central operation.

If the Step/Time Remaining column displays Waiting, the Synchronize with Central operation is on hold because it is blocked by other concurrent actions involving central file access. See Delays When Using the Synchronize with Central Operation.