Identifying Elements

Identifying Elements

In Revit, the easiest way to judge whether an element is a FamilyInstance or not is by using the properties dialog box.

Families in the Revit Platform API are represented by three objects:

Each object plays a significant role in the family structure.

The Family object represents an entire family such as Single-Flush doors. For example, the Single-Flush door Family corresponds to the Single-Flush.rfa file. The Family object contains several FamilySymbols that are used to get all family symbols to facilitate swapping instances from one symbol to another.

The FamilySymbol object represents a specific set of family settings corresponding to a Type in the Revit UI, such as 34"×80".

The FamilyInstance object represents an actual Type (FamilySymbol) instance in the Revit project. For example, in the following picture, the FamilyInstance is a single door in the project.

Note: While most component elements are exposed through the API classes FamilySymbol and FamilyInstance, some have been wrapped with specific API classes. For example, AnnotationSymbolType wraps FamilySymbol and AnnotationSymbol wraps FamilyInstance.