Opening Industry Foundation Class (IFC) Files

Revit opens Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) based on the latest International Alliance for Interoperability (IAI) IFC 2x3 data exchange standard. (If you open a file that uses an earlier standard [IFC 2x or 2x2], Revit supports the format and opens it properly.)

When you open an IFC file, Revit creates a new file based on the default template. For information about selecting the default template, see Selecting a Template for IFC Files.

You can load your own IFC class mapping files and override the categories and subcategories for IFC objects.

Tip: Make sure you import the geometric data needed for the Revit capability that you plan to use. For more information, see Suitability of Imported Geometry.

To open an IFC file

  1. Click Open (IFC).
  2. In the Open IFC File dialog, navigate to the IFC file to import.
  3. Select the IFC file, and click Open.
  4. Revit creates a new file based on the default template.

To add IFC data to an existing project

  1. Use the above procedure to open an IFC file in Revit, creating a new project for it.
  2. Open the existing Revit project.
  3. Link the new IFC-based project to the existing project.