Creating a New Family Type in a Project

You can add a new type to the family and change the parameters for that type. This feature allows you to define an entire family of different-sized components within the project.

Note: A new family type created in the project exists only in that project.

To create a new family type in a project

  1. In the drawing area, select an element belonging to the desired type.
  2. On the Properties palette, click (Edit Type).
  3. In the Type Properties dialog, click Duplicate.
  4. In the Name dialog, enter a name for the new type and click OK.
  5. Specify properties for the type, as desired.
  6. To preview the new element type, click Preview. See Previewing Family Types.
  7. In the Type Properties dialog, click OK.

The new type displays in the GUID-A764EA7A-FE26-469B-857C-F3A70812FC34.htm#WS1A9193826455F5FF219F8B8B1249CF2CB82-5A0A, indicating that the new type is assigned to the selected element.

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