The following procedure describes a general method for creating a set of track lights. You can also use this procedure to create a lighting fixture family that has multiple light sources that you want to schedule individually or to control lighting parameters individually. The specific steps required will vary, depending on your needs and design intent.
To create a set of track lights
For example, create a family that describes a can light in a set of track lights. Create the geometry for the can fixture, and define its light source.
See Creating a Lighting Fixture with One Light Source.
In the following steps, this family is referred to as the light source family.
Turning on the light source allows you to specify photometric parameters for it.
Sharing the light source family ensures that a lighting fixture schedule can display information for individual lights, and that you can adjust lighting parameters for individual lights.
For example, for a set of track lights, create the track on which the can lights will be mounted. See Creating a Lighting Fixture with One Light Source.
When you turn off the light source for the host lighting fixture family, photometric parameters are not available for it. Instead, you define the photometric parameters in the light source family (for example, for the can lights).
Use the reference planes to position the light sources correctly.
Now you can place instances of the lighting fixture (the track light set containing multiple can lights) in the building model. See Using Lighting Fixtures in a Building Model.