The Worksharing Monitor is a utility that allows you to learn information about a file-based workshared project:
- Who is currently working on this project?
- Is my local copy of the project up to date?
- When will my Synchronize with Central operation finish?
- Has my request to borrow elements been granted?
- Are any issues interfering with my work on a Revit project?
The Worksharing Monitor is available to Revit subscription customers.
Note: The Worksharing Monitor is not available when working with server-based workshared projects. For server-based worksharing, use
Autodesk® Bluestreak to monitor project activity. You can also track submission history in the
Revit Server Administrator.
To use the Worksharing Monitor
- Download the Worksharing Monitor from the Autodesk customer subscription web page.
- Install the Worksharing Monitor.
- Open a Revit project, and click Add-Ins tab
External panel
External Tools drop-down
Worksharing Monitor.
- In the Worksharing Monitor dialog, click Help to learn how to use the utility.