Heating and Cooling Loads Reports

You can select from 3 levels of heating and cooling loads reports (simple, standard and detailed), to view the results of a heating and cooling analysis performed on your building model. The reports range from the simple report that contains only summary information for the zones and spaces to a detailed loads analysis for the project. Revit automatically creates a time-stamped loads report after each loads analysis is performed. Loads reports are located in the Project Browser, under Reports, allowing you to view the loads impact of any design changes that you have made.

Note: Project Units settings determine the units expressed for values calculated in the Heating and Cooling Loads Report.

The loads reports are organized in the following sections and, depending on the report level selected, contain the following information:

Project Summary

Item Description
Location and Weather
Project Project name (Manage tabProject Setting panelProject InformationInstance PropertiesProject Name).
Address Project address from (Manage tabProject Setting panelProject InformationInstance PropertiesProject Address).
Calculation Time Date and time that the loads report was created.
Latitude Project latitude from the Manage Place and Locations dialogPlace tabLatitude. See Specifying the Project Location.
Longitude Project longitude from the Manage Place and Locations dialogPlace tabLongitude. See Specifying the Project Location
Summer Dry Bulb Summer ambient air temperature (not affected by humidity). Dry bulb temperature is used as an indicator of heat content. The dry bulb temperature is determined by using data that includes project location.
Summer Wet Bulb Summer temperature of adiabatic saturation (evaporation of water on a thermometer and its cooling effect). The wet bulb temperature is always lower than the dry bulb temperature but identical to 100% relative humidity. The wet bulb temperature is determined by using data that includes project location.
Winter Dry Bulb Winter ambient air temperature (not affected by humidity). Dry bulb temperature is used as an indicator of heat content. The dry bulb temperature is determined by using data that includes project location.
Mean Daily Range The mean temperature range based on the project location.

Building Summary

Item Description
Building Type Building Type from (Manage tabProject Setting panelProject InformationInstance Properties dialogEnergy DataType Properties dialogBuilding Type.
Area (SF) Total analytical area of all spaces in the building. This area is based on the finish faces of the bounding elements of these spaces
Volume Total analytical volume of all spaces in the building. This volume is based on the finish faces of the bounding elements of these spaces.
Calculated Results  
Peak Cooling Total Load Total cooling load for all spaces in the building. This includes conduction, ventilation, pipe and duct gains, and sensible and latent loads.
Peak Cooling Month and Hour Date used to calculate peak calculations.
Peak Cooling Sensible Load Seasonal sensible cooling load high point for the building.
Peak Cooling Latent Load Seasonal latent cooling load high point for the building.
Maximum Cooling Capacity The maximum cooling capacity required, determined by sum of the peak cooling loads for the zones in the building. This recognizes that the peak load may occur at a different times depending on conditions, such as the location of zones within the building (north-facing vs. south facing).
Peak Cooling Airflow Seasonal high point for cooling airflow for the building.
Peak Heating Load Total heating load for all spaces in the building. This includes conduction, ventilation, pipe and duct gains, and sensible and latent loads.
Peak Heating Airflow Seasonal high point for heating airflow for the building.
Cooling Load Density Total Cooling Load for the building divided by the Occupied Analytical Area in the building.
Cooling Flow Density Cooling Airflow divided by the Occupied Analytical Area of the building.
Cooling Flow/Load Cooling Airflow divided by the Total Cooling Load of the building
Cooling Area/Load Analytical Area of the zone divided by the Total Cooling of the building.
Heating Load Density Total Heating Load for the building divided by the Occupied Analytical Area in the building.
Heating Flow Density Heating Airflow divided by the Occupied Analytical Area of the building.

Level Summary

Item Description
Area Total analytical area of all spaces on the level. This area is based on the finish faces of the bounding elements of these spaces
Volume Total analytical volume of all spaces on the level. This volume is based on the finish faces of the bounding elements of these spaces.
Calculated Results  
Peak Cooling Total Load Total cooling load for all spaces on the level. This includes conduction, ventilation, pipe and duct gains, and sensible and latent loads.
Peak Cooling Month and Hour Date used to calculate peak calculations.
Peak Cooling Sensible Load Seasonal sensible cooling load high point for the level.
Peak Cooling Latent Load Seasonal latent cooling load high point for the level.
Maximum Cooling Capacity The maximum cooling capacity required, determined by sum of the peak cooling loads for the zones for the level. This recognizes that the peak load may occur at a different times depending on conditions, such as the location of zones within the building (north-facing vs. south facing).
Peak Cooling Airflow Seasonal high point for cooling airflow for the level.
Peak Heating Load Total heating load for all spaces on the level. This includes conduction, ventilation, pipe and duct gains, and sensible and latent loads.
Peak Heating Airflow Seasonal high point for heating airflow for the level.
Cooling Load Density Total Cooling or Heating Load for the level divided by the Occupied Analytical Area in the level.
Cooling Flow Density Cooling Airflow divided by the Occupied Analytical Area of the level.
Cooling Flow/Load Cooling Airflow divided by the Total Cooling Load of the level.
Cooling Area/Load Analytical Area of the zone divided by the Total Cooling Load of the level.
Heating Load Density Total Heating Load for the building divided by the Occupied Analytical Area in the level.
Heating Flow Density Heating Airflow divided by the Occupied Analytical Area of the level.

Zone Summary

Item Description
Area Total analytical area of all spaces in the zone. This area is based on the finish faces of the bounding elements of these spaces
Volume Total analytical volume of all spaces in the zone. This volume is based on the finish faces of the bounding elements of these spaces.
Cooling Setpoint Temperature at which the system will maintain the cooling for spaces in the zone. This set point is specified in the zone properties (from Instance Properties dialog or from the Heating and Cooling Loads dialog).
Heating Setpoint Temperature at which the system will maintain the heating for spaces in the zone. This set point is specified in the zone properties (from Instance Properties dialog or from the Heating and Cooling Loads dialog).
Supply Air Temperature Supply air temperature used to cool/heat spaces in the zone. This temperature is specified for each zone in the zone properties (from Instance Properties dialog or from the Heating and Cooling Loads dialog).
Number of People Aggregate number of people assigned to the spaces in this zone. People data is specified in the space properties (from Instance Properties dialog or from the Heating and Cooling Loads dialog).
Infiltration Infiltration for the zone.
Air Volume Calculation Type The Building Service specified on the General tab of the Heating and Cooling Loads dialog.
Relative Humidity Humidification required for the zone. This is either calculated based on other parameters (set point and supply air temperatures) or specified in the Cooling Information dialog.
Psychrometric Message Provides notification of psychrometric errors. Psychrometric errors are caused by an unsatisfiable combination of supply air temperature, set point, and relative humidity. Adjust one or more of these zone parameters to correct the error.
Cooling coil Entering Dry-Bulb Temperature The air temperature (not affected by humidity) entering the cooling coil.
Cooling coil Entering Wet-Bulb Temperature The air temperature of adiabatic saturation (evaporation of water on a thermometer and its cooling effect) entering the cooling coil.
Cooling coil Leaving Dry-Bulb Temperature The air temperature (not affected by humidity) exiting the cooling coil.
Cooling coil Leaving Wet-Bulb Temperature The air temperature of adiabatic saturation (evaporation of water on a thermometer and its cooling effect) exiting the cooling coil.
Mixed Air Dry-Bulb Temperature The air temperature (not affected by humidity) exiting the VAV.
Calculated Results  
Peak Cooling Total Load Total cooling load for all spaces in the zone. This includes conduction, ventilation, pipe and duct gains, and sensible and latent loads.
Peak Cooling Month and Hour Date used to calculate peak calculations.
Peak Cooling Sensible Load Seasonal sensible cooling load high point for the zone.
Peak Cooling Latent Load Seasonal latent cooling load high point for the zone.
Maximum Cooling Capacity The maximum cooling capacity required, determined by sum of the peak cooling loads for the spaces assigned to the zone. This recognizes that the peak load may occur at a different times depending on conditions, such as the location of spaces within the building (north-facing vs. south facing).
Peak Cooling Airflow Seasonal high point for cooling airflow for the zone.
Peak Heating Load Total heating load for all spaces in the zone. This includes conduction, ventilation, pipe and duct gains, and sensible and latent loads.
Peak Heating Airflow Seasonal high point for heating airflow for the zone.
Peak Ventilation Airflow Seasonal high point for ventilation airflow for the zone.
Cooling Load Density Total Cooling or Heating Load for the zone divided by the Occupied Analytical Area in the zone.
Cooling Flow Density Cooling Airflow divided by the Occupied Analytical Area of the zone.
Cooling Flow/Load Cooling Airflow divided by the Total Cooling Load of the zone.
Cooling Area/Load Analytical Area of the zone divided by the Total Cooling Load of the zone.
Heating Load Density Total Heating Load for the building divided by the Occupied Analytical Area in the zone.
Heating Flow Density Heating Airflow divided by the Occupied Analytical Area of the zone.
Ventilation Density Ventilation airflow for the zone divided by the area for the zone.
Ventilation/Person Ventilation airflow for the zone divided by the people specified for the zone.

Cooling and Heating Components

This section provides a break-down of cooling and heating loads by component and exposure.


This section provides a summary of cooling and heating information for spaces within the zone.

Space Summary

Item Description
Input Data
Area (SF) Analytical area of the space. This area is based on the finish faces of the bounding elements of the space.
Volume (CF) Total volume for the space.
Wall Area (SF) Total wall area for the space minus the area of openings (windows and doors).
Roof Area (SF) Total roof surface area for the space
Door Area (SF) Total door area for the space.
Partition Area (SF) Total partition area for the space.
Window Area (SF) Total window area for the space.
Skylight Area (SF) Total skylight area for the space.
Lighting Load (W) Lighting power density for the space. Lighting Loads is specified in the space properties (from Instance Properties dialog or from the Heating and Cooling Loads dialog).
Power Load (W) Power density for the space. Power Loads is specified in the space properties (from Instance Properties dialog or from the Heating and Cooling Loads dialog).
Number of People Number of people assigned to the space. People data is specified in the space properties (from Instance Properties dialog or from the Heating and Cooling Loads dialog).
Sensible Heat Gain/Person (Btu/h) Sensible heat load for the space divided by the number of people assigned to the space. Sensible heat gain is the convection and radiation heat gain from body surfaces to the surrounding surfaces and air. People data is specified in the space properties (from Instance Properties dialog or from the Heating and Cooling Loads dialog).
Latent Heat Gain/Person (Btu/h) Latent load for the space divided by the number of people assigned to the space. Latent heat gain is the evaporation of moisture heat gain from body surfaces to the surrounding air. People data is specified in the space properties (from Instance Properties dialog or from the Heating and Cooling Loads dialog).
Infiltration Airflow (CFM) Infiltration for the space.
Space Type Space type as specified in the Space’s Instance Properties dialog or from the Heating and Cooling Loads dialog.
Calculated Results
Peak Cooling Total Load (Btu/h) Seasonal cooling load high point of the space. This includes conduction, ventilation, pipe and duct gains, and sensible and latent loads.
Peak Cooling Month and Hour Date used for peak load calculations.
Peak Cooling Sensible Load (Btu/h) Seasonal sensible cooling load high point for the space.
Peak Cooling Latent Load (Btu/h) Seasonal latent cooling load high point for the space.
Peak Cooling Airflow (CFM) Seasonal high point for cooling airflow for the space.
Peak Heating Load (Btu/h) Seasonal heating load high point of the space. This includes conduction, ventilation, pipe and duct gains, and sensible and latent loads.
Peak Heating Airflow Seasonal high point for heating airflow for the space.
Airflow Total supply airflow for the space.