With the Look tool, you can rotate the current view vertically and horizontally. When rotating the view, your line of sight rotates about the current eye position, like turning your head. The Look tool can be compared to you standing in a fixed location, and looking up or down while turning your head left or right.
When using the Look tool, you adjust the view of the model by dragging the cursor. As you drag, the cursor changes to the Look cursor and the model rotates around the location of the current view.
In addition to using the Look tool to look around a model, you can also use the tool to pan the current view to a specific face on the model. Press and hold the SHIFT key before selecting the Look tool on one of the Full Navigation wheels.
When using the Look tool from the big Full Navigation wheel, you can walk through a model by using the arrow keys on the keyboard. Use the Options dialog for the SteeringWheels to adjust the walk speed.
When you drag the cursor upward, the target point of the view raises; dragging the cursor downward lowers the target point of the view. Use the Options dialog for the SteeringWheels to invert the vertical axis for the Look tool.
To look around a view with the Look tool
The cursor changes to the Look cursor.
To look at a face in the model with the Look tool
The cursor changes to the Look At cursor.
To look around and walk through a model with the Look tool
The cursor changes to the Look cursor.
To invert the vertical axis for the Look tool
Dragging downward and upward lowers and raises the target point of the current view.