You can change the visibility, display style, units and scale configuration of individual results in the properties of the view. On the Properties palette, click the Edit button next to Analysis Display Settings under the graphics heading.
In the Analysis Results Settings Dialog, each analysis configuration is listed with visibility options. The dialog options are as follows.
Show analysis in this view. Displays analysis as defined in the Analysis Results Settings dialog.
Name. A list of the results calculated by the add-in application.
Visible. Displays the result and legend in the current view.
Analysis Display Style. The analysis display style assigned to the individual result. Click to override the default view.
Units. The available units for the result as returned by the add-in application.
Scale Units. The current model scale unit for the currently selected unit. This field is returned by the add-in application. It is editable for both Diagrams with text and Vectors with text diplay styles, otherwise it is represented by the default units of the document per analysis unit.
Max. The maximum range value for each result.This read-only field is returned by the add-in application.
Min. The minimum range value for each result. This read-only field is returned by the add-in application.
All/None/Invert. Switches the visibility setting for multiple results.