Beams are structural elements used for load-bearing applications. Elements of each beam are defined through the type properties of the specific beam family. In addition, various instance properties can be modified to define the functionality of the beam.
Sample beams
You can attach beams to any structural element, including structural walls, in your project. The beams join to structural bearing walls when the Structural Usage property of the wall is set either to Bearing or to Structural Combined.
Beams attached to structural walls
To draw beams between 2 points
You can use the Grid tool to add multiple beams to selected grids when columns are also present at the working level.
Beam between points
To draw a beam to a specified length
Use the Grid tool to add multiple beams to selected grids when columns are also present at the working level.
Enter beam length
You should add beams after creating a grid since beams snap to grids. Add a grid by clicking Structure tabDatum panel
Grid. However, structural beams can be added without an existing grid.
You can add beams using one of the following methods: