Creating a Project Browser Sort Group

  1. Click View tabWindows panelUser Interface drop-downBrowser Organization.
  2. In the Browser Organization dialog, click the Views tab to create a sort group for project views, or click the Sheets tab to create a sort group for sheets.
  3. Click New.
  4. Enter a name for the sort group, and click OK.
  5. In the Browser Organization Properties dialog, click the Folders tab.
  6. For the first Group By list, select the view or sheet property to group by.
    Note: Values for the selected property must be defined for each view or sheet for the sort to work correctly. To edit view or sheet properties, in the Project Browser, right-click the view or sheet name, and select Properties.
  7. If you want only the first few characters of the property value to be considered, select Leading characters, and specify a value.
  8. Optionally, select 2 additional groupings.
  9. In the Sort By list, select the order for views or sheets to display in the lowest level grouping, and select ascending or descending order.
  10. Click OK.