Accessing and downloading results packages

After an analysis has been run in the cloud, a result package is created. When the analysis is complete, you can use the Results Manager to access these results packages.

  1. In Revit, click Analyze tab Structural Analysis panel Results Manager.
    The Results Manager dialog opens and shows the list of available results packages, as well as their status and location.
    Note: There are three locations where the results packages can be saved:
    • In project: i.e. in the Revit® project.
    • Remote: i.e. on the cloud server. In this case, the size of the package is also indicated.
    • In project and remote: in this case, the results package has already been saved in the Revit® project, and a copy remains on the server.
  2. Select a result package, and then click Download.
  3. Once the result package has been downloaded, you can click Explore to visualize the content of the selected results package, or you can close the Results Manager dialog.