

Some architectural projects, such as renovations, proceed in phases. Phases have the following characteristics:

All phases in a project can be retrieved from the Document object. A Phase object contains three pieces of useful information: Name, ID and UniqueId. The remaining properties always return null or an empty collection.

Each new modeling component added to a project has a Created Phase ID and a Demolished Phase ID property. The Element.AllowPhases() method indicates whether its phase ID properties can be modified.

The Created Phase ID property has the following characteristics:

The Demolished Phase ID property has the following characteristics:

The following code sample displays all supported phases in the current document. The phase names are displayed in a message box.

Code Region 15-6: Displaying all supported phases

void Getinfo_Phase(Document doc)
        // Get the phase array which contains all the phases.
        PhaseArray phases = doc.Phases;
        // Format the string which identifies all supported phases in the current document.
        String prompt = null;
        if (0 != phases.Size)
                prompt = "All the phases in current document list as follow:";
                foreach (Phase ii in phases)
                        prompt += "\n\t" + ii.Name;
                prompt = "There are no phases in current document.";
        // Give the user the information.