PTC Creo and Pro/Engineer (Mechanica)

There are two ways to launch models from PTC Creo and Pro/Engineer. One uses the Granite kernel, the other uses Mechanica.

The Mechanica method does not actually use functionality in Mechanica. It uses the underlying analysis structure built into Mechanica to provide Autodesk® Simulation CFD access to the geometry.

Note: The launch method for an analysis is stored within the design study, and becomes the launch method for that particular design. When a model is launched with a certain method, the design cannot be re-launched using the other method. A new design can, however, be launched using the other method.

Note: The Mechanica method is not available with Autodesk® Simulation CFD 360.

Guidelines for using the Mechanica-based launch method

For a new analysis, Autodesk® Simulation CFD MUST be launched from Pro/Engineer. Upon launching, Pro/Engineer minimizes, and is in a “sleep” state. When you click the Solve button on the Autodesk® Simulation CFD Solve task dialog, Pro/Engineer maximizes, but is working. The mesh is being generated by Autodesk® Simulation CFD by reading the part geometry from the Pro/Engineer database. It is accessing the part and assembly information in the same way that Pro/Mesh accesses it. For this reason, Autodesk® Simulation CFD must be launched from Pro/Engineer when the goal is to generate a mesh.

Once Autodesk® Simulation CFD returns, the analysis proceeds automatically. Pro/Engineer returns to a “sleep” state, and cannot be accessed. To access Pro/Engineer, do one of the following:

  1. Set the number of iterations to 0, so that after meshing and pre-processing, the analysis does not proceed. Exit out of Autodesk® Simulation CFD, and then exit out of Pro/Engineer. Start Autodesk® Simulation CFD from the Desktop, open the analysis, and run it.
  2. While the analysis is running, shut down the Autodesk® Simulation CFD interface. (Note that the analysis will continue to run.) Pro/Engineer can then be accessed or shut down as required.

If a mesh exists, and if the goal is to run more iterations or view results, Autodesk® Simulation CFD can be started from the Desktop or Start Menu. Open the "cfdst" file.

If a mesh exists, and if the goal is to modify boundary conditions, materials, or generate a new mesh, Autodesk® Simulation CFD must be launched from Pro/Engineer using the Granite method. On the Design Study Manager, you must click Update Design.

Note: Note that Mechanica Simulation Features will be included in the model when launched using the Mechanica method. Two dimensional geometry can be launched this way as well.

Note: The only way to launch with the Mechanica mode is to select Launch Active Model, and select Mechanica in Autoprep.







Pro/Engineer accessible after launching Autodesk Simulation CFD



Pro/Mesh or Pro/Mechanica license required


Geometry Tools can be used to modify geometry



Analyses run with Remote Solving can be meshed on the remote computer


Pro/Engineer part and assembly files can be opened directly with Autodesk Simulation CFD



Support for Simplified Reps


Support for Mechanica Simulation features (simulation volumes and surfaces)



Support for Quilts (Pro/E surfaces) and 2D models
