Launch from Autodesk® Inventor Fusion

In some cases, it is necessary to prepare the CAD model before launching into Simulation CFD. If Simulation CFD does not support direct launching from your CAD system, you can use Autodesk® Inventor Fusion to prepare the model and to launch into Simulation CFD.

While the list of CAD formats supported by Autodesk® Inventor Fusion is extensive, the following CAD systems have been supported for direct launch in previous versions of Simulation CFD. Autodesk® Inventor Fusion is now the recommended method for launching models from these CAD systems:

To use Autodesk® Inventor Fusion as a CAD Reader:

  1. Open the CAD model directly into Autodesk® Inventor Fusion (which is included in the Autodesk Simulation CFD installation).
  2. Use the extensive collection of Autodesk® Inventor Fusion geometry tools to prepare the model for simulation.
  3. To transfer the model into Simulation CFD, click Autodesk Simulation CFD from the Simulation tab:

Note: To use Autodesk® Inventor Fusion with models from the following CAD systems, you should first save the model from the CAD system to the indicated geometry format, and then open that file into Autodesk® Inventor Fusion:

The visible model is launched, and the Design Study Manager opens.