Server Manager

For most installations, the CFD Server is configured automatically during the installation process. This is not the license server, but the server that controls the communication between the Autodesk® Simulation CFD User Interface and the Solver.

Note: This topic only pertains to Autodesk® Simulation CFD, and is not applicable to Autodesk® Simulation CFD 360.

An external tool called the Server Manager contains the settings for the Server. You can open the Server Manager from the Windows Start menu: Click Start > All Programs > Autodesk > Simulation CFD > SimCFDServer.

These fields contain information about your Simulation CFD installation:

The Server is automatically started as part of the Installation, and automatically starts when the machine is rebooted.

In some instances, an issue may prevent communication between the Server Manager and the User Interface. The solution for these issues is to reset the Server Manager by following these steps.

To reset the Server Manager:

  1. Click the Stop button to stop the service.
  2. Click the Uninstall button to uninstall the service.
  3. Click the Install button to re-install the service.
  4. Click the Start button to start the service.

To update the server or to change the working folder for the server (Analyze Directory), follow these steps:

  1. Click Stop.
  2. Click Browse... adjacent to the Analyze Directory field.
  3. Select a new folder as needed.
  4. Click Start to start the service again.