Launch into Simulation CFD

The office model was constructed in Autodesk® Inventor Fusion. In this step, we push it into Autodesk® Simulation CFD.

1. Start Fusion, and click Open.

2. Navigate to C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Simulation CFD 2014\Tutorials\Quick Start\AEC.

Can't find the ProgramData folder?

Using Windows® XP?

Using Simulation CFD 360?

3. Select AEC-Office-model.dwg, and click Open.

4. To launch into Simulation CFD, click Home (tab) > Simulation (panel) > Simulation CFD:

5. On the Design Study Manager dialog, click Launch to complete the transfer into Simulation CFD:

6. You will probably see a dialog called "Geometry Tools." Close it by clicking the "X" in the top right corner:

What it should look like:

Autodesk® Simulation CFD starts, and you should see the model:

Note: In the next step we rotate the model so you can see more of the structure.
