Set the Location of the Revision Table Template in AutoCAD

Administrators can configure which information is displayed in the drawing's revision table for standardization across the vault. The Revision Table settings are defined on the Revision Table Settings dialog in the Autodesk Vault client. You must have administrator privileges to configure these settings. 

By default, the templates that determines the Vault Revision Table style, layout and format are created in the user's application data folder. However you can refer these templates from another location within the local machine or from a shared network location.

This can be achieved by inserting a set of XML tags in the acad.exe.config file found within the AutoCAD installation directory.

Change the location of the Vault Revision Table template for drawings in imperial units

  1. Open the file acad.exe.config from the AutoCAD installation directory using an XML editor or Notepad.
  2. Within the <AppSettings> tag, add the following XML tag:

    <add key="VltRevBlockImperialTemplate" value="C:\Imperial.dwg"/>

    In this instance, the Imperial.dwg file is located in the C:\ drive root directory. You may change this to a location of your choice.

Change the location of the Vault Revision Table template for drawings in metric units

  1. Open the file acad.exe.config from the AutoCAD installation directory using an XML editor or Notepad.
  2. Within the <AppSettings> tag, add the following XML tag:

    <add key="VltRevBlockMetricTemplate" value="C:\Metric.dwg"/>

    In this instance, the Metric.dwg file is located in the C:\ drive root directory. You may change this to a location of your choice.
  3. Note: The AutoCAD application must be restarted to apply any modified settings to the acad.exe.config.