- Select a file in the Copy Design view.
- Right-click in any of the grid cells for the file to display the context menu.
Note: Find searches only for file names when selected in either the File Name or New File Name column and searches only for folder names in the Vault Folder column. Find searches for actions in the File Status column.
- From the context menu, select Find.
- In the Find dialog box, enter a text string to search for in the current column. If you are searching the File Status column, select a file action from the list.
- For a text string search, optionally turn on the Match case checkbox to find the strings that exactly match the capitalization of the search string.
- Select either Up or Down to search above or below the current cell location.
- Click Find Next. The next file matching the search criteria is highlighted in the Copy Design dialog box. Continue clicking Find Next to progress through the list.
Once a search string is entered in the Find dialog box, you can select Find Next from the context menu to continue searching for that same string without opening the Find dialog box again.
Note: Replace is only available for the New File Name and Vault Folder columns.
- From the context menu, select Replace.
- In the Replace dialog box, enter a text string for which to search in the current column.
- Enter a text string to replace the search string when it is located.
- Optionally, turn on the Match case checkbox to find the strings that exactly match the capitalization of the search string.
- Select either Up or Down to search above or below the current cell location.
- Click Find Next. The next file matching the search criteria is highlighted in the Copy Design dialog box.
- Click Replace to replace the found string or click Replace All to substitute all occurrences of the search string with the new text.