Delete a Revision Scheme

You can delete an existing revision scheme that meets the following criteria:

A revision scheme is in use if the current version of a file is using the scheme, or if the scheme is assigned to a category. If a previous version of a file used the revision scheme, the scheme is not considered to be in use.

Delete a Revision Scheme

  1. Click Tools Administration Vault Settings.
  2. In the Vault Settings dialog box select the Behaviors tab  Revisions.
  3. In the Revision Scheme Definitions dialog box, select the scheme, and then click Delete.

Delete a Revision Format

Once you have deleted the revision scheme, you must also delete its revision format.

  1. In the Revision Scheme Definitions dialog box, click New.
  2. Select the Scheme Format tab.
  3. Select the scheme format that you want to delete and click Delete. Then clickYeson the confirmation dialog box.
  4. Click Cancel to exit the Revision Scheme Definitions - New Revision dialog box.