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filterExpand [-expand boolean] [-fullPath boolean] [-selectionMask int] [-symActive] [-symNegative] [-symPositive] [-symSeam]
filterExpand is undoable, NOT queryable, and NOT editable.
Based on selected components (or components specified on the command line),
the command filters and/or expands the list given
the options.
Returns a string array containing all matching selection items.
Selection masks are as follows:
Object Type | Mask |
Handle | 0 |
Nurbs Curves | 9 |
Nurbs Surfaces | 10 |
Nurbs Curves On Surface | 11 |
Polygon | 12 |
Locator XYZ | 22 |
Orientation Locator | 23 |
Locator UV | 24 |
Control Vertices (CVs) | 28 |
Edit Points | 30 |
Polygon Vertices | 31 |
Polygon Edges | 32 |
Polygon Face | 34 |
Polygon UVs | 35 |
Subdivision Mesh Points | 36 |
Subdivision Mesh Edges | 37 |
Subdivision Mesh Faces | 38 |
Curve Parameter Points | 39 |
Curve Knot | 40 |
Surface Parameter Points | 41 |
Surface Knot | 42 |
Surface Range | 43 |
Trim Surface Edge | 44 |
Surface Isoparms | 45 |
Lattice Points | 46 |
Particles | 47 |
Scale Pivots | 49 |
Rotate Pivots | 50 |
Select Handles | 51 |
Subdivision Surface | 68 |
Polygon Vertex Face | 70 |
NURBS Surface Face | 72 |
Subdivision Mesh UVs | 73 |
expand, fullPath, selectionMask, symActive, symNegative, symPositive, symSeam
Long name (short name) |
Argument types |
Properties |

Specify the selection mask
Each item is a single entity if this is true. Default is true.
If this is true and the selection item is a DAG object, return its
full selection path, instead of the name of the object only when
this value is false. Default is false.
If symmetry is enabled only return the components on the active symmetry
side of the object. This flag has no effect if symmetry is not active.
If symmetry is enabled only return the components on the positive
side of the object relative to the current symmetry plane. This flag has
no effect if symmetry is not active.
If symmetry is enabled only return the components on the negative
side of the object relative to the current symmetry plane. This flag has
no effect if symmetry is not active.
If symmetry is enabled only return the components that lie equally on both sides
of the object relative to the current symmetry plane. This flag has
no effect if symmetry is not active.
Flag can appear in Create mode of command
Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command
Flag can be used more than once in a command.
// Returns any selected isoparms (mask 45) as individual items
// (because of "-ex true").
filterExpand -ex true -sm 45;
// Returns any selected CVs (mask 28) as compact items. For example,
// if[0:3] is selected, then "[0:3]" is returned.
// If "-ex true", then four items are returned, one for each CV.
filterExpand -ex false -sm 28;
// Returns any selected CVs (mask 28) and edit points (mask 30).
filterExpand -sm 28 -sm 30;
// Returns any selected nurbs curves.
filterExpand -sm 9;
// Returns any selected nurbs curves-on-surface.
filterExpand -sm 11;
// return the poly faces (mask 34) from the specified arguments
filterExpand -sm 34 "pCube1.f[1]" "pCube1.f[4]" "pCube1.vtx[0:3]";