About Projects and Industry Models

A project specifies the feature classes, workflows, menus, and toolbars that users see when they work on features. The administrator defines the project and can customize it, assigning the appropriate roles and rights based on job function. A project contains one or more industry models . For example, one project can contain a water industry model and a wastewater industry model for users who need access to both.

An industry model allows you to manage the geometry and attribute data stored in a specialized database. For example, you can manage all the pipes, hydrants, and valves in a municipal water network. When you use an industry model, you can draft once and then reuse the data in many different ways, depending on your job function. There are industry-specific data models and workflows that help you work more quickly and accurately.

You can create industry models from a template or create custom industry models. For enterprise industry models, you can import existing enterprise industry models to create the new industry model structure.

You can add existing data to an industry model by importing it into the industry model structure. Once you set up industry models and import your data, you can use AutoCAD Map 3D to create, edit, and analyze features.

An industry model contains the following elements: