In the AutoCAD Map 3D 2015, click Enterprise and connect to the enterprise industry model . Open a project.
In the administrator explorer, in the left pane select the industry model.
Click Industry Model menu Data Model.
Create two feature classes to hold the geometries: one feature class of type line string and one of type point.
Create attribute feature classes to hold the data. They can be in the same topic as the geometries or in different topics.
Select the Utilities item. Right-click and click Create Utility Model.
Enter a name, such as Gas.
Select a point feature class and the matching attribute feature classes, such as Gas_point and Armature, Filter, Siphon.
Select a line feature class and the matching attribute feature classes, such as Gas_line and Pipe.
Select a logical topology. If no topology is available, click the Create New Logical Topology link and click OK in the Logical Topology dialog box.
Click OK to create the utility model.
Initialize the newly created topology. In the data model administrator, select the topology, right-click and click Initialize Topology.
Define tracing conditions. In the data model administrator, expand the topology, and select Conditions. Right-click and click Create Condition. See also Defining Tracing Conditions
Define a tracing template. the data model administrator, expand the topology, and select Tracing Templates. Right-click and click Create Tracing Templates. See also Network Topology: Tracing Templates