Data Model: Schematics

Industry models support multiple locations (representations). You can visualize a feature in different locations, and store the geometries in the database. For generalization, you can digitize features with multiple locations. Also, the industry model maintains consistency when you update or delete features with multiple locations.

There are two types of multiple locations.

Schema Plan

A schema plan represents real world features by transforming the original feature geometry to an alternative location, for example by applying a coordinate offset. For example, you create geoschematic or orthogonal schema plans to represent an electric network.

For example, use a geoschematic plan to create a georeferenced cable map for electric utilities that is derived from pathway geometry.


Generalization provides a set of generalization feature classes that can be used to digitize secondary features at one or more alternative location. For example, you displace features to create an alternative representation for an overview map with a scale bigger than 1:10,000.

To create a representation template, start the data model administrator. Right-click the Representations node and click a command.

Context Menu Representations node


Create Schematic

Creates a schema plan template. See also Creating a Schema Plan Template.

Create Generalization

Creates generalization feature classes. See also Creating a Generalization.

To view available representations, click the Representations node. Each representation type is indicated by a special icon.

Getting Schematics Started

Use Infrastructure Administrator to

Use AutoCAD Map 3D to

Building a schema plan means deriving new geometries from existing geometries based on their existing logical connectivity, and based on the defined rules.