To create a guest user (Oracle systems only)

  1. In the Infrastructure Administrator, click Enterprise and connect to the enterprise industry model.
  2. Click Setup menu > Security Administrator.
  3. Log in as Oracle user with DBA rights, for example SYSTEM.
  4. In the Security Administrator dialog box, under Roles, click Add.
  5. Enter a name for the Oracle guest user, and specify the password.
  6. Under Data, select a permission template, such as Read Only.
  7. Under Data To Access, select the industry model you want to define the role for.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Under Roles, select the guest user, and click Edit. On the Data tab, review the access rights.
  10. Click Close.
  11. Under Available Industry Models in [MAPSYS], select the guest user, and click the arrow icon to add it to your project.

    Each industry model is stored as a user or schema in oracle. The guest industry model is a user with limited access.

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