- In the Infrastructure Administrator, click Enterprise and connect to the enterprise industry model.
- Click .
- Log in as Oracle user with DBA rights, for example SYSTEM.
- In the Security Administrator dialog box, under Roles, click Add.
- Enter a name for the Oracle guest user, and specify the password.
- Under Data, select a permission template, such as Read Only.
- Under Data To Access, select the industry model you want to define the role for.
- Click Save.
- Under Roles, select the guest user, and click Edit. On the Data tab, review the access rights.
- Click Close.
- Under Available Industry Models in [MAPSYS], select the guest user, and click the arrow icon to add it to your project.
Each industry model is stored as a user or schema in oracle. The guest industry model is a user with limited access.
Next workflow:
Determine Needed Feature Classes and Attributes