Customizing Feature Class Forms

Use Form Designer to create feature class forms. Forms display attribute information for an individual feature. Arrange text boxes, check boxes, radio buttons, and combo boxes to create a form.

You must have Infrastructure Administrator login rights (member of the ADMIN user group) to use the form designer.

There are two types of forms: customized forms and default forms.

Custom Forms

The customized forms contain only the fields you are likely to need and make use of drop-down boxes and other form elements where needed. They are formatted according to best practices provided by industry experts.

The customized forms are part of global kits that are installed with AutoCAD Map 3D. Global kits include feature class forms, as well as display models and other items.

File-based industry models use the customized forms automatically. Enterprise industry models use default forms. You can import the customized forms into an enterprise industry model. You can edit either type of form.

Default Forms

When you start the Form Designer for the first time, a default form is created. The default form displays one control for each attribute in a feature class. All controls are listed in a single column.

The sort order of the attributes is defined by the COLUMN_ID of USER_TAB_COLUMNS. This order should correspond to the order of creation in Oracle.

The Form Designer contains controls of the following type:

See also Form Designer Reference.

Steps in this workflow: