To set enterprise industry model wastewater options

Note: This set of options is present only when the Wastewater Industry Model is loaded.
  1. In the AutoCAD Map 3D Maintenance workspace, connect to an industry model and open a project.
  2. Click Setup tab > Options panel > Industry Model Options.
  3. In the Industry Model Options dialog box, in the tree view, click Wastewater Options.
    Make settings in the following tabs:
    • General
    • Elevation Computation Priority
    • Observation Calculation
    • Inspection Management
  4. In the General tab, set the following options:

    Tolerances group:

    Search Distance for Function 'Connect Point to Cover'

    Set the minimum distance (in meters) .

    Validation group:

    Section / Manhole

    Sub Drain Area Model

  5. In the Elevation Computation Priority tab, set the following options:

    Define the value which has to be computed automatically and the priority used for the computation.


    Copy Values

  6. In the Observation Calculation tab, set the following options:

    Set the tolerance for not creating connection points in the near of existing fittings


    Set the list of function ids to be excluded from the search for existing connection points.

  7. In the Inspection Management tab, set the following options:



    Inspection Length Check


Next workflow: Use Data Checker