Form Designer: Picture Linker - Properties

The Picture Linker (Picture Box) control is linked to a database attribute. It shows record-related pictures (*.gif, *.bmp, and so on). In the form, the user can use a list box to select a picture. When the picture is selected, the directory or path names of the pictures are saved in the database.

Note: Although the picture files can be stored in any folder, it is recommended that you store them in the <AutoCAD Map 3D>\Pics folder or a subfolder. Then, they are available with the dynamic path <AutoCAD Map 3D>\Pics and you need to enter the subfolder/filename only. If you use picture files with a static path, they are not available on a different computer unless the path is exactly the same. Alternatively, you can use //Servername to store the picture files on a server. The dimension of the respective database attribute must be large enough to store the directory names.
Tip: Make sure that the size of the control is large enough to display the picture.
Note: To show the pictures in Infrastructure Application Extension , if you do not use the <AutoCAD Map 3D>\Pics folder, you must map the folder names in the system table TB_GN_DIRECTORY_ALIAS.



System Category





Specifies the name. For example, PICTURE.




If True, the value can be entered by using a reference record.


If True, the value cannot be edited.


If True, the value must always be acquired. In edit mode, these attributes are highlighted by a red background color.


Defines a validation code for each input field. During validation, values from other attributes can also be queried.


Defines a message to display if validation fails.

Specific Category



Specifies whether the list box text is hidden. Set to True to hide the list box with the file name and show the picture only. This property only works in View mode. Default = False.


Specifies how the image is displayed. If True, the picture is stretched to the size of the control.

If False, the picture is shown in its original size.