Setting Up Plots

To work with plots, follow these steps:

  1. Plot-enable the industry model, view the plot feature classes, and specify plot settings.
  2. Use AutoCAD Map 3D to create plot templates. See "Creating Plot Templates" in the User's Guide.
  3. Use display models to style the plot features such as north arrow, legend, scale bar.
  4. Use AutoCAD Map 3D to create and print the plots. See "Working With Plots" in the User's Guide.

Creating Plot Display Models

Autodesk provides a sample plot display model in the folder <default display model repository>\Extensions\Plot. Enhance the sample display model for your own purposes.

Style the following plot features. The features are shown in the order in which they appear in the Display Manager Draw Order view. For example, the Plot Label is drawn in front of the layers lower down.

Feature class Description
Plot Label PLT_PLOT_TBL. Label feature class that stores labels.

Define thematic rules that use the LABEL_DEF_ID to style different labels for different types of labels, such as plot name, or plot scale.

Decoration Text PLT_PLOT_DECORATION_TEXT. Point feature class that stores the static text. Loads as annotation layer.
North Arrow PLT_PLOT_NA. Point feature class that stores the north arrow. Style the point using a north arrow symbol.
Scalebar PLT_PLOT_SCALEBAR. Point feature class.
Legend PLT_PLOT_LEGEND. Point feature class. Style the point using a block that represents the legend.
Image PLT_PLOT_IMAGE. Point feature class.
Plot Decoration Label PLT_PLOT_DECORATION_TBL. Label feature class.
Decoration PLT_PLOT_DECORATION. Collection feature class.
Grid / Cross Hair Extension Lines Frame PLT_PLOT_GRID_FRAME. Line feature class.

Steps in this workflow: