Use these checklists to help determine how to best prepare your drawing data for migration to an industry model.
To analyze the data to migrate to the enterprise industry model
- Look at drawing layers to determine the different types of features.
For example, you might store features such as pipes on one layer and valves on a different layer. You might separate the same feature over different layers, for example you may have a different layer for each pipe size.
- Block names can also be the source of the feature type.
For instance you might have all electrical devices on one layer, using the block names to specify the feature type (switch, fuse recloser, and so on).
- Look at object data tables attached to the entities to determine the attributes that need to be captured.
- Are the AutoCAD entities linked to outside databases such as Access or SQL Server?
If this is true, does this data have any other outside application that manages the data besides AutoCAD?
- Do the AutoCAD entities have extended entity data attached (using the XDLIST command)?
- Are the block references named consistently across all drawings?
- Are Block Attributes used to store data to be migrated?
- Is there text placed near a feature as a label to be extracted as attribute data of the nearby feature?
- Are line weights, colors, or line types used to represent different variations of the same feature (such as pipe size or material)?
For example, you might use a red line to represent a 2” pipe and a green line to represent a 4” pipe. You might use a continuous line for a steel pipe and a dashed line for a plastic pipe.
To assess the condition of the data
- Are the layers consistent across all drawings?
- Do the layers contain entities other than those intended, such as text and features that should be on other layers?
- Is the object data consistent across all entities of the same feature type? Object data is not validated and may contain variations that represent the same value.
Here are some things to look for:
- Are all of the table names spelled the same way?
- Do all of the tables have the same fields?
- Do all of the tables have the same fields?
- Are all of the fields spelled the same way?
- Have you consistently filled in the fields? Are all attribute values represented the same way? For example, are values such as ‘4 Inch’ always entered the same or do you find 4 Inch, 4”, 4 in, four inches, and so on?
- If data is stored externally, the same questions apply as for object data.
- Look at the quality of the blocks:
- If using block attributes, do the blocks have the same attributes in all of the drawings?
- Do any of the blocks have block attributes that have duplicated names? (This is possible in AutoCAD.) For example, a block might have several attributes named # (pound sign), all representing different attributes.
- Are entities that are supposed to be blocks actually blocks? In other words, has somebody exploded the blocks or created what looks like a block by drawing the entities? For example, you might use a block created from a circle to represent a pole and then draw a circle instead of placing the pole block reference. You can’t tell just by looking. You must select the entity and look at its properties.
- Are features represented by the correct block symbol? For example, you might have underground transformer blocks that use a triangle with a circle around it. You might also have overhead transformers that are simple triangles. As a shortcut, you may have drawn a circle around an overhead transformer to make it look like an underground transformer block. Again, you can’t tell by looking, you need to select the entity and look at its properties.
- Are all blocks representing a feature the same size across the drawings, or are some scaled up or down? This will affect how the styles in the Display Manager are configured in the enterprise industry model. You may need to capture the size in migration if it’s important to see it in different sizes on the map.
- Are block placed in the gap of a line to represent a device such as a switch or fuse? Often these are drawn to fill a gap between connecting conductors. In the enterprise industry model, point features have no length, so the gaps must somehow be closed.
- Look at the quality of the lines (polylines, lines, multilines):
- Are lines snapped at the end points to connecting features?
Use Drawing Cleanup to extend undershoots.
- Are lines broken where a network point feature exists in the line, such as a valve or fitting?
- Do the lines have point features where 2 or more lines connect?
Create the point features in these situations, so the enterprise industry model import will work. Use Drawing Cleanup: Break Crossing Objects.
- Do the lines have gaps where there would normally be no gap for the real world feature? For example, are there gaps to place a label in the middle of the line or a gap where other lines cross? These things are often done to make nice looking plots but are not good for connectivity.
Use Drawing Cleanup to extend undershoots.
- Look at the quality of the text:
- Is the text on the same layer as the feature it is labeling?
- Does the text represent miscellaneous text?