You can perform spatial selections for enterprise industry model reports. For example, you can select all features that lie within a job perimeter or within a specified area. This type of report requires a special definition.
In the report definition, you must use the parameter PERIMETERID. PERIMETERID contains the ID of the perimeter definition in TB_PERIMETER. It is always set. TB_PERIMETER stores the perimeter that you digitize when you use the Spatial Export tool in AutoCAD Map 3D. For example, in the Spatial Export dialog box, when you select No Spatial Selection, TB_PERIMETER.ID = 0.
Your report definition must contain a query for the PERIMETERID, as shown in the following sample (for Oracle).
WHERE {parameter.PERIMETERID}=0 OR SDO_RELATE(T.geom, (SELECT geom FROM TB_PERIMETER WHERE id={parameter.PERIMETERID}), 'mask=anyinteract query=window')='TRUE'