Feature Rule Priorities

Feature rule priorities are set according to whether a feature rule operates before or after its associated feature class is updated, deleted, or inserted in the database. In addition, feature rule priorities are assigned based on their capabilities. The following table shows feature rule priorities grouped according to their function. The priority groupings in the table show that the more general rules should be executed before the more specialized rules; more complex rules should be executed later.

Priority Description
1-99 Rules triggered before an action.
10-19 For cancel operations. Conditions may not depend on other rules. Example: Cancel all updates of point geometries.

Change attributes of features being inserted/updated.

Example: Set orientation of points.


Cancel operations; conditions may depend on other rules.

Example: Cancel all updates of points with invalid orientation.

70-79 Other.

Example: Find all lines connected to the point and pass them on to another rule.

90-99 Make changes to the database. Consider using after-operation rules instead.
101-199 Rules triggered after an action.
110-119 Special reserved block.

Example: Implement topology on-line mode.

130-139 Delete features in database.

Example: Delete lines connected to point.

150-159 Update features in database.

Example: Move lines connected to point.

170-179 Insert features in database.

Example: Split line.

190-199 Other.

Example: Regenerate graphic.