To start the data model administrator

  1. In the Infrastructure Administrator, do one of the following:
    • Click Enterprise and connect to the enterprise industry model . Open a project.
    • Click File and open an industry model drawing or template.
  2. Expand the Industry Model node.
  3. Click Industry Model menu Data Model.

    In the right pane, the data model administrator is opened.

    Data model administrator with data model explorer

  4. Click a topic name to view its feature classes. Feature classes are shown on the right in the property pane.
  5. Move the cursor to a feature class row. A tool tip displays information about the feature class, such as the number of features.
  6. In the data model explorer, expand a topic and select a feature class name.

    Attributes and their definitions are displayed in the property pane. The caption and the database table name are displayed in the status bar.

  7. Expand a label feature class and select a label definition.

    The SQL Select statement is displayed in the property pane.

  8. Expand the Domain node and click a domain name.

    All values of this domain table are displayed in the property pane. The caption and the database table name (_TBD) are displayed in the status bar.

  9. Expand the Topology node and click a topology name.

    The icon indicates whether the topology was initialized correctly or not. Feature classes that are part of the topology are displayed in the property pane.

  10. Right-click an item to view more details or edit the item.