Moldflow 贊助研究的出版物清單。
- R. R. Huilgol. 2006. On the derivation of the symmetric and asymmetric Hele-Shaw flow equations for viscous and viscoplastic fluids using the viscometric fluidity function . Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 138, Issue 2-3: 209-213.
- Lu, Z., B. C. Khoo, Hua-Shu Dou, N. Phan-Thien, and K. Seng Yeo. 2006. Numerical Simulation of Fibre Suspension Flow Through an Axisymmetric Contraction and Expansion Passages by Brownian Configuration Field Method. Chemical Engineering Science 61 Issue 15: 4998-5009.
- R. R. Huilgol and Z. You. 2006. On the importance of the pressure dependence of viscosity in steady non-isothermal shearing flows of compressible and incompressible fluids and in the isothermal fountain flow. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 136 Issue 2-3:106-117.
- R. R. Huilgol. 2006. A systematic procedure to determine the minimum pressure gradient required for the flow of viscoplastic fluids in pipes of symmetric cross-section. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 136 Issue 2-3:140-146.
- Price, C. D, P. J. Hine, B. Whiteside, A. M. Cunha and I. M. Ward. 2006. the elastic and thermoelastic properties of short fibre composites with anisotropic phases. Composites Science and Technology 66: 69-79
- Dai, S. C., F. Qi, and R. I. Tanner. 2006. Strain and Stain-Rate Formulation for Flow-Induced Crystallization. Polymer Engineering and Science 46 Issue 5:659-669.
- Dai, S. C., and R. I. Tanner. 2006. Anisotropic Thermal Conductivity in Sheared Polypropylene, Rheologica Acta 45, No. 3:228-238.
- R. R. Huilgol and X. You. 2005. Application of the augmented Lagrangian method to steady pipe flows of Bingham, Casson and Herschel-Bulkley fluids. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 128 Issue 2-3: 126-143
- Tanner, R. I., and S. Nasseri. 2003. Simple Constitutive Models for Linear and Branched Polymers.Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 116, Issue 1:1-17.
- Fan, Y., S. Dai, and R. I. Tanner. 2003. Rheological properties of some thermotropic liquid crystalline polymers. Korea-Australian Rheology Journal 15, No.3: 109-115.
- Mendoza, R., G. Régnier, W. Seiler, and J. L. Lebrun. 2003. Spatial distribution of molecular orientation in injection molded PP: influence of processing conditions. Polymer 44: 3363-3373.
- Tanner, R. I. 2003. On the flow of crystallizing polymers, I. Linear regime.Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 112, Issues 2-3:251-268.
- Koscher, E., and R. Fulchiron. 2002. Influence of shear on polypropylene crystallization : kinetics modeling. Paper presented at the Eighteenth Annual Polymer Processing Society Meeting, June 18-21, in Guimaraes, Portugal.
- Phan-Thien, N., and Fan, X-J. 2002. Viscoelastic mobility problem using a boundary element method. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 105, Issues 2-3:131-152.
- Tanner, R. I. 2002. A suspension model for low shear rate polymer solidification. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 102, Issue 2:397-408.
- Joung, C. G., Phan-Thien N., Fan X-J. 2002 Viscosity of curled fibres in suspension. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 102, Issue 1:1-17.
- Joung, C. G., Phan-Thien N., Fan X-J. 2002. Direct simulation of flexible fibres. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 99, Issue 1:1-36.
- Fulchiron, R., E. Koscher, G. Poutot, D. Delaunay, and G. Régnier. 2001. Analysis of the Pressure Effect on the Crystallization Kinetics: Dilatometric Measurements and Thermal Gradient Modeling. Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B: Physics Vol. 40, No. 3 and 4: 297-314.
- Luyé, J. F., G. Régnier, P. Le Bot, D. Delaunay and R. Fulchiron. 2001. PVT Measurement Methodology for Semicrystalline Polymers to Simulate Injection-Molding Process. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 79, Issue 2:302-311.
- Dalgarno, K. W., and Stewart, T. D. 2001. Manufacture of production injection mould tooling incorporating conformal cooling channels via indirect selective laser sintering. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B, Journal of Engineering Manufacture 215, B:1323-1333.
- Dalgarno, K. W., and Stewart, T. D. 2001. Production tooling for polymer moulding using the RapidSteel process. Rapid Prototyping Journal 7, No. 3:173-179.
- Dalgarno, K. W., Stewart, T. D., Childs, T. H. C., and Bridge, E. 2000. Cost Benefit Analysis of Production Injection Mould Tools Manufactured through Indirect SLS. Paper presented at Time-Compression Technologies 2000 Conference, Oct 10-11th, Cardiff, UK.
- Dalgarno, K. W. 2001. Production Tooling for Rapid Manufacture. Paper presented at Rapid Tooling 2001, Feb, Birmingham, UK.
- Dalgarno, K. W., Stewart, T. D., and Childs, T. H. C. 2000. Production tooling for polymer components via the DTM RapidSteel process. Solid Freeform Fabrication Proceedings:125-132.
- Dalgarno, K. W. 2000. Production polymer mould tooling using the DTM RapidSteel process. Paper presented at the Joint Scandinavian Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing Conference, 1-2nd Nov, Malmo, Sweden.
- Lam, Y. C., and P. Seow. 2000. Cavity Balance for Plastic Injection Molding, Polymer Engineering & Science 40, No. 6:1273-1280.
- Delaunay, D., P. Le Bot, R. Fulchiron, J-F. Luyé, and G. Régnier. 2000. Nature of Contact Between Polymer and Mold in Injection Molding. Part 1: Influence of a Non Perfect Thermal Contact. Polymer Engineering & Science 40, No. 7: 1682-1691.
- Delaunay, D., P. Le Bot, R. Fulchiron, J-F. Luyé, and G. Régnier. 2000. Nature of Contact Between Polymer and Mold in Injection Molding. Part 2: Influence of Mold Deflection on Pressure History and Shrinkages. Polymer Engineering & Science40, No. 7:1692-1700.
- Phan-Thien, N., and X.-J. Fan. 1999. Pressure Drop Created by a Sphere Settling in a Tube Containing a Fiber Suspension. Journal of Rheology 43, Issue 1:1-8.
- Luyé, J-F., G. Régnier, P. Le Bot, D. Delaunay, and R. Fulchiron. 1999. PVT Measurement Methodology for Semicrystalline Polymers to Simulate Injection-Molding Process, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 79, Issue 2: 302-311.
- Fan, X-J., and N. Phan-Thien. 1998. . Completed Double Layer Boundary Element Method for Periodic Suspensions. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP) 49, No. 2: 167-193.
- Le Bot, P. 1998. Comportement Thermique des Semi-Cristallins Injectes Application a la Prediction des Retraits, Doctoral Thesis, University de Nantes.
- Le Bot, P., S. Quilliet, D. Delaunay, and Y. Jarny. 1998. Polymer Temperature Measurement During Injection Molding. ESAFORM Conference, Paris.
- Seow, L. W., Y. C. Lam. 1997. Optimizing Flow in Plastic Injection Molding. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 72, Issue 3: 333-341.
- Bernard, C. 1997. Prediction of mechanical properties of short fibre reinforced liquid crystal polymers. MSc thesis, Cranfield University.
- Cadell, P. T. 1997. Prediction of strength for short fibre reinforced thermoplastics. MSc thesis, Cranfield University.
- Andersen, J. 1997. Prediction of shrinkage and warpage in short fibre reinforced thermoplastic components. MSc thesis, Cranfield University.
- Kang, H. S. 1997. Application of finite element methods to the design of short fibre reinforced thermoplastic components. MSc (research) thesis, Cranfield University .
- Quilliet, S., P. Le Bot, D. Delaunay, and Y. Jarny. 1997. Heat transfer at the Polymer-Metal Interface. A Method of Analysis and its Application to Injection Molding, in ASME Proc. 32nd National Heat transfer Conference, Baltimore, Maryland.
- Huilgol, R., and N. Phan-Thien. 1997. Fluid Mechanics of Viscoelasticity. Elsevier.
- Dutta, N., and G. Edward, 1997. Generic Relaxation Spectra of Solid Polymers. I. Development of Spectral Distribution Model and its Application to Stress Relaxation of Polypropylene. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 66, Issue 6:1101-1115.
- Seow, L. W. 1997. Automatic Cavity Balancing in Plastic Injection Molding. M.Eng.Sci. Thesis, Monash University.
- Hu, W., D. Thevalingam, W. Thompson, Z. Ji. 1997. Intelligent Layout Design for Cavity of Plastic Injection Mould. Proceedings of the World Congress Manufacturing Technology Towards 2000, Cairns, Australia.
- Halley, P. J., 1997. A New Chemorheological Analysis of Highly Filled Thermosets Used in Integrated Circuit Packaging,Journal of Applied Polymer Science64, Issue 1:95-106.
- Phan-Thien, N., and X. J. Fan. 1996. A Boundary Integral Formulation for Elastically Deformable Particles in a Viscous Fluid. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP) 47, No. 5:672-694.
- Alcock, J. R., M. W. Darlington, and D. J. Stephenson. 1996. Developments in powder injection moulding. Powder Metallurgy 39: 252-254.
- Chiang, H-C. 1996. Prediction of shrinkage and warpage in short fibre reinforced thermoplastic components. MSc thesis, Cranfield University.
- Cayzer, P. I. 1996. Prediction of Problems in Injection Moulded Plastic Products with Computer Aided Mould Design Software. M.Tech. Massey University, New Zealand.
- Somnuk, P. 1995. Experimental Study of Simultaneous Co-Injection Moulding Process, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Warwick.
- Darlington, M. W., and K. A. As-Sultany. 1995. Prediction of fibre orientation and stiffness in injection moulded short fibre reinforced thermoplastics. Paper presented at Eurofillers 1995, 11-14 September, Mulhouse, France:409-412.
- Darlington. M. W. 1995. Designing from processing to product performance for short fibre reinforced thermoplastics. Institute of Materials, Composites Division, Annual Residential Conference 'From micromechanics to composite design', 28-30 November, London, UK.
- Phan-Thien, N. 1995. Application of Boundary Element Methods in Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, in Advances in Boundary Element Methods in Fluid Mechanics, H. Power (Ed.), Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton, 1995.
- Phan-Thien, N., and X. J. Fan. 1995. Traction-Based Completed Double Layer Boundary Element method. Computational Mechanics 16, No. 5:360-367.
- Phan-Thien, N. 1995. Constitutive Equation for Concentrated Solutions in Newtonian Liquids. Journal of Rheology 39: 679-695.
- Williams, C. P. 1995. Shrinkage and warpage in moulded components. MSc thesis, Cranfield University.
- Casasole, M. 1995. Factors influencing fibre orientation distribution in fibre reinforced thermoplastics injection mouldings. MSc. thesis, Cranfield University .