您正使用之程式設計語言中提供的標準檔案功能 (VBScript 的 File.Write) 用於寫入外部檔案及啟動外部程式。
完成檔案寫入之後,會啟動外部應用程式 (記事本) 以顯示檔案。
'@ '@ DESCRIPTION '@ Extract all Nodal Coordinates to a comma separated text file '@ '@ '@ SYNTAX '@ WriteNodalData '@ '@ PARAMETERS '@ none '@ '@ DEPENDENCIES/LIMITATIONS '@ '@ '@ History '@ Created DRA 9/8/2006 '@@ Option Explicit SetLocale("en-us") Dim Synergy Set Synergy = CreateObject("synergy.Synergy") Synergy.SetUnits "METRIC" Dim StudyDoc, App Dim FS, TemporaryFolder, TempFolder, Name, lFile Dim Str, Node, NodeNumber, Coord Set StudyDoc = Synergy.StudyDoc() 'Open a File in the users temporary Directory Set FS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") TemporaryFolder = 2 Set TempFolder = FS.GetSpecialFolder(TemporaryFolder) Name = "data.txt" Set lFile = TempFolder.CreateTextFile(Name, True) ' Write File Header Str = "Node" & "," & "X" & "," & "Y" & "," & "Z" & vbCrLf lFile.Write Str ' Loop through all nodal Set Node = StudyDoc.GetFirstNode() While Not Node Is Nothing NodeNumber = StudyDoc.GetEntityID(Node) Set Coord = StudyDoc.GetNodeCoord(Node) Str = NodeNumber & "," & Coord.X & "," & Coord.Y & "," & Coord.Z & vbCRLF lFile.Write Str Set Node = StudyDoc.GetNextNode(Node) Wend ' Close File lFile.Close ' Notify user where the file is located MsgBox "Nodal Data Recorded In File" & vbCRLF & TempFolder.Path & "\" & Name ' Open the File in Notepad Set App = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Dim Command Command = "notepad.exe " & TempFolder.Path & "\" & Name App.Run Command MsgBox "Script Complete" Wscript.Quit