API 範例:圖元清單的最小值、最大值與平均值

您選取一組圖元時,可以在「應用程式介面」(API) 上將選取內容做為圖元清單使用。此清單不會排序,就像結果中的元素結果清單一樣。


註: 針對大型模型或大量選取,先排序清單可能有助於減少將所選圖元與結果相匹配所花費的時間。


  1. 在模型中選取圖元。
  2. 選取出圖。


'@ This command will calculate the result Minimum Maximum and Average Value   
'@ of the entities selected 
'@ MinimumMaximumAverage
'@ none 
'@  1. User must select a group of entities before using this command
'@  2. User must select a result before using this command
'@  3. Only works with nodal/elemental plots  ie no vector/tensor plots
'@ History
'@ Created DRA 9/8/2006
Option Explicit
Dim Synergy
Set Synergy = CreateObject("Synergy.Synergy")
Synergy.SetUnits "METRIC"

Dim StudyDoc, Viewer, Plot, PlotManager
Dim EntList, ResultID, ResultType, ResultName, ResultData
Dim IndpValues, IndpValues1
Dim EntityIndex, Result, ElementNumber, NodeNumber
Dim Min, Max, Ave, Count, Value, I, J, Ent, Name

' Check that the user has selected some Entities
Set StudyDoc = Synergy.StudyDoc
Set EntList = StudyDoc.Selection
If EntList.Size <= 0 Then
   MsgBox "No Entities Selected",,"Error"
End If

' Read/Check the Plot Information is correct
' Get Plot
Set Viewer = Synergy.Viewer
Set Plot = Viewer.ActivePlot()
If Plot Is Nothing Then
   MsgBox "Please Select a result",,"Error"
End If

' Read Result ID Type

' Read the Result Name
ResultName = Plot.GetName
' Check for Invalid Plot Data
ResultData = Plot.GetDataType
If ResultData <> "ELDT" and ResultData <> "NDDT"  Then
   MsgBox "Data Type Not Supported",,"Error"
End If

' Check for Invalid Plot Types
ResultType = Plot.GetPlotType
If ResultType <> "Contour Plot"  Then
   MsgBox "Plot Type Not Supported",,"Error"
End If

' Read the Result Data set
' Ensure we read the last data set
Set PlotManager = Synergy.PlotManager
Set IndpValues = Synergy.CreateDoubleArray()
PlotManager.GetIndpValues ResultID, IndpValues
Set IndpValues1 = Synergy.CreateDoubleArray()
' Read Result Data from last set

Set EntityIndex = Synergy.CreateIntegerArray()
Set Result = Synergy.CreateDoubleArray()
PlotManager.GetScalarData ResultID, IndpValues1, EntityIndex, Result

' Calcuate the required Values
Min = 1.0E20   ' Set extremely Large Value
Max = -1.0E20  ' Set extremely Small Value
Ave = 0.0
Count= 0

' If Result in Elemental then loop through selected elements
If ResultData = "ELDT" Then
  For I = 0 To EntList.Size()-1
    Set Ent = EntList.Entity(I)
    Name = Ent.ConvertToString
    If (Left(Name,1) = "T" and Left(Name,2) <> "TE" ) Then
          ElementNumber = StudyDoc.GetEntityID(Ent)
      For J = 0 To EntityIndex.Size()-1
        If EntityIndex.Val(J) = ElementNumber Then
          Count = Count + 1
          Value = Result.Val(J)
          If (Value > Max) Then 
            Max = Value
          End If
          If (Value < Min) Then 
            Min = Value
          End If
          Ave = Ave + Value
        End If
    End If
' If Result in Nodal then loop through selected  nodes
ElseIf ResultData = "NDDT" Then
  For I = 0 To EntList.Size()-1
    Set Ent = EntList.Entity(I)
    Name = Ent.ConvertToString
    If (Left(Name,1) = "N" ) Then
          NodeNumber = StudyDoc.GetEntityID(Ent)
      For J = 0 To EntityIndex.Size()-1
        If EntityIndex.Val(J) = NodeNumber Then
          Count = Count + 1
          Value = Result.Val(J)
          If (Value > Max) Then
            Max = Value
          End If
          If (Value < Min) Then
            Min = Value
          End If
          Ave = Ave + Value
        End If
    End If
End If

' Display Results
If Count > 0 Then
        Ave = Ave / CDbl(Count)
  MsgBox "Analysing result :" & ResultName & vbcrLf & _
         "Number of Selected Entities is: " & Cstr(Count) & vbcrLF & _
         "Minimum is: " & Cstr(Min)  & vbcrLF & _
         "Maximum is: " & Cstr(Max)  & vbcrLF & _
         "Average is: " & Cstr(Ave)
  MsgBox "Analysing result :" & ResultName & vbcrLf & _
         "Number of Selected Entities is: " & Cstr(Count) & vbcrLF
End If        
MsgBox "Script Completed"