To Edit Roundabouts

You can click anywhere on the roundabout to edit it. Depending on which roundabout component you click on, the corresponding roundabout dialog box is displayed. Make changes to the dialog boxes to edit the roundabout.

Exercise 4: Editing Roundabout Components

  1. Click Modify tab Design panel Junction.
  2. On the Junction contextual tab Modify Roundabout panel Edit Roundabout.
  3. Select the roundabout component in the drawing. Depending on which roundabout component you click on, the corresponding roundabout dialog box is displayed.
    Clicking on this roundabout component... Displays this dialog box...
    central area Create Roundabout - Circulatory Road
    approach road Create Roundabout - Approach Roads
    island Create Roundabout - Islands
    road marking or sign Create Roundabout - Markings and Signs
    slip lane Draw Slip Lane
  4. In the roundabout dialog boxes, make changes to the desired options, and then click Next.

    You can click Back or Next to move through all of the roundabout dialog boxes.

  5. When you are finished making changes, click Next to advance to the Create Roundabout - Markings and Signs dialog box, and then click Finish.

    The roundabout is updated in the drawing.