To Transparently Use a Chainage and Offset to Specify a Point Location

You can specify a point location using a chainage and an offset along an alignment.

An alignment must exist in the current drawing, and the specified chainage value must fall within the extents of the alignment.

  1. When you are prompted to enter a point in a command, do one of the following:
    • Enter 'so.
    • Activate the transparent command toolbar and select .
  2. Specify a chainage by either entering a chainage value or clicking in the drawing.
  3. Specify a distance by either entering an offset or clicking in the drawing.

    The coordinates of the point are calculated.

  4. Do one of the following:
    • Enter another chainage and follow the prompts to specify another location.
    • Press Esc to end the transparent command.
  5. If you are prompted, enter a level. For more information, see To Enter a Level for a Transparent Command.
    Note: Level prompting for transparent commands is controlled by the Transparent Command setting Prompt For 3D Points. For more information, see About Transparent Command Settings.