About Creating Corridors

You can use two methods to create a corridor: using the Create Corridor command or the Create Simple Corridor command.

Using the Create Corridor Command

Use the Create Corridor command to specify complex parameters at creation time.

Using the Create Corridor command, you specify the chainage range, profile, assembly, and any necessary targets.

Other parameters could include chainage frequency and controlling offsets, as well as information about multiple baselines and regions.

Tutorial Exercise: Creating a Corridor with a Transition Lane

Tutorial Exercise: Creating a Divided Highway Corridor

Using the Create Simple Corridor Command

Use the Create Simple Corridor command to quickly create a basic corridor.

Using the Create Simple Corridor command is ideal for creating basic corridors based on a single alignment (1), a profile (2) along the alignment, and an assembly (3) across it. You can subsequently add more complexity to the corridor by editing it.

Tutorial: Creating a Basic Corridor Model

Before you can create a corridor, you must create the underlying data, such as surfaces, alignments, profiles, subassemblies, and assemblies.