You can display the station, offset, and level of an existing point(s) in reference to the current centerline.
To display point data in reference to the current centerline from the Survey Command Window
To display point data in reference to the current centerline, using the survey command language
CL INV [point 1] (point 2)
NE 1 1000 1000
NE 2 1000 1500
NE 3 1300 1700
CL TP 4 200 60.96
CL TP 5 625 -45.72
CL INV 1 5
! Point Station Offset Level Northing Easting
! 1 0.00 0.00 <Null> 1000.0000 1000.0000
! 2 500.00 0.00 <Null> 1000.0000 1500.0000
! 3 860.56 0.00 <Null> 1300.0000 1700.0000
! 4 200.00 60.96 <Null> 939.0400 1200.0000
! 5 625.00 -45.72 <Null> 1129.3672 1531.2962
These examples return station information along the centerline. Distances are in the current units, unless you type a qualifying suffix.