Edit mass haul line style settings to specify defaults for new mass haul diagrams.
Tutorial Exercise: Editing the Mass Haul Line Style
To create a mass haul line style
- In Toolspace, in the Settings tree, under Mass Haul Line, expand the Mass Haul Line Style collection.
- For the Mass Haul Line Style collection, do one of the following:
- Right-click the collection. Click .
- Right-click the existing style to use as a template. Click .
- In the Mass Haul Line Style dialog box, enter or change the name of the style and other settings as required.
- Click OK.
To edit a mass haul line style
- In the active viewport, select the mass haul line whose styles you want to edit. Right-click and click .
- On the Free Haul tab of the Mass Haul Line Style dialog box, specify how you want to show free haul in the mass haul diagram: measured from gradient points or measured from balance point.
- On the Display tab, do any of the following:
- In Component Display, set visibility and color for the Mass Haul Line, Free Haul Line, Free Haul Area Hatch, and Overhaul Area Hatch.
- In Component Hatch Display, set the pattern, angle and scale of the hatching for Free Haul Area Hatch, and Overhaul Area Hatch.
- On the Information and Summary tabs, set administrative information.
- Click OK to save the edits to the mass haul line styles.
To create a mass haul view style
- In Toolspace, in the Settings tree, under Mass Haul View, expand the Mass Haul View Style collection.
- For the Mass Haul View Style collection, do one of the following:
- Right-click the collection. Click .
- Right-click the existing style to use as a template. Click .
- In the Mass Haul View Style dialog box, enter or change the name of the style and other settings as required.
- Click OK.
To edit a mass haul view style
- In the active viewport, select the mass haul view whose styles you want to edit. Right-click and click .
- On the Information tab of the Mass Haul View Style dialog box, specify administrative information, such as the name of the style, and a description of the style.
- On the Graph tab, specify the vertical and horizontal scale, and the view direction.
- On the Grid tab, specify how you want to show the grid.
- On the Title Annotation tab, specify attributes of the text used to annotate the graph.
- On the Horizontal Axes and Vertical Axes tabs, specify attributes of the major and minor ticks in the graph.
- On the Display tab, in Component Display, set the visibility and color for the graph.
- In the Summary tab, modify information specified on other tabs.
- Click OK to save the edits to the mass haul view styles.