Project Objects To Multiple Section Views Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to specify projection rules and to select the type of objects to project.

Sample Line Group/Section View Group

Specifies which sample line group or section view group to project the objects to. This list is restricted to the object type that you select when you run the Project Objects To Multiple Section Views command before this dialog box is displayed. If you selected a sample line group but want to restrict the projection to a section view group, click Cancel, run the command again, and select a section view.

Projection Rules

Specifies the proximity area for objects to be projected. Objects whose insertion points are within this area are projected. The graphics update to show you how your choices impact the object selection.

  • By Percentage: Select this option and use the sliders to specify a percentage of distance before and after the sample line.
  • By Distance: Select this option and enter absolute distances before and after the sample line.
Note: The Projection Rules do not apply to feature lines, survey figures, or 3D polylines. Those objects are projected only when they intersect a sample line for a given section view.
Note: A distance or percent of zero projects non-linear objects whose insertion point is exactly on the sample line.

Specifies which objects are projected. All objects of the type selected are projected if they fall within the area specified in the Projection Rules.

Note: You can control individual object settings later by using the Projections tab of the Section View Properties dialog box.
Note: The way that a solid that spans multiple sections is projected depends on the Projection Rules settings, the projection style settings, and the location of the solid. If any part of the solid falls within the area defined by the Projection Rules, then the solid can be projected to that section view. If the section's sample line does not actually cross the solid, you must clear the Section check box on the Section tab of the Projection Style dialog box in order for the projected solid to be visible in the section view. If you want to see a specific solid projected in a section view, you may need to manually select that solid and project it to the view.

Specifies the style for each object type.

Level Options

Specifies how the level of each object is determined.

  • Use Object: Level is read from the object properties.
  • Surface: The object is set to the level of a selected surface.
  • Manual: You can specify the level.
Level Value

Specifies the level of each projected object. You can change the value if the Level Options value is Manual.

Label Style

Specifies the style of label applied to the projected object.