You can annotate AutoCAD Civil 3D objects with labels that update dynamically when the drawing objects change.
Labels can contain single or multiple lines of text, blocks, ticks, lines, and direction arrows.
As you create AutoCAD Civil 3D objects in a drawing, they are labeled automatically using specified label styles. However, after an object is created, you can add more labels manually.
There are three levels of label settings in addition to settings that you define in the label styles themselves. For more information, see About the Hierarchy of Label Settings.
Labels are defined by the following properties:
For example, a plot area label is usually placed at the center of the plot, and surface contour labels are usually placed on the contour line.
Label objects include two distinct object types: group and single labels.
Group label objects and single label objects behave differently with respect to screen interaction and AutoCAD object management. By default the entire group is highlighted when selected and you can simultaneously edit the entire group of labels. Labels that are part of a group can be selected individually and changed using “Ctrl+click” selection.