Use the ToolspaceSettings tree to create, copy, edit, or delete a section view style.
Create an entirely new style, or create a new style by copying an existing style. Then change its properties to suit your requirements. Use the Section View Style dialog box tabs to specify the main properties.
Section view styles control the format of the graph on which the sections are displayed, as well as the title and annotations on the axes.
Label styles control the format of labels for offset levels at any point in a section view and depth/gradient between any two selected points in a section view (see About Section Labels).
Band styles control the format of section bands, which can appear above and/or below the section view.
For convenience, define a group of band styles as a band set. The entire set of band styles can then be applied to a section view with a single step, rather than applying each band style separately.
Projection styles control the appearance of AutoCAD point, solid, polyline, and block objects projected into profile views or section views.
Group plot styles control the layout of multiple section views. They also control the spacing between sheets.
Sheet styles control the way a cross section sheet, which contains multiple section views, is displayed. They also specify the individual plot area and visibility of sheet components. Sheet styles are maintained for backward compatibility with earlier releases. Instead, production-ready section layout in AutoCAD Civil 3D 2015 is now controlled using a drawing template during the creation of multiple section views.