LandXML supports AutoCAD Civil 3D drawing data for import and export.
All coordinate locations are always treated as Northing, Easting, Level (or Y,X,Z).
All chainage values are treated as the actual measured distance along the alignment or geometry. Chainage equations are always imported or exported (if they are defined) with alignment data. However, they are not applied to any geometric chainage locations in the data; they are used only for display and reporting purposes.
Point references to pointType derived locations <CgPoint pntRef="100"/> are supported. The supported references include: CgPoint, Start, Center, End, Monument, and CrossSectPnt elements. For more information, see About Exporting Point References to LandXML.
LandXML Element Supported | Notes |
Units |
Application |
Author |
CoordinateSystem |
Uses Map Zone name / European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG) name |
CgPoints |
Supports multiple elements. If <CgPoints> is named, a corresponding point group is created and COGO points are added. |
CgPoint |
Imports a COGO point and uses name and desc or code attributes. Number is auto-assigned if name is alpha-numeric, but name is maintained. |
Alignments |
CoordGeom |
Lines, curves, transitions, and irregular lines. |
AlignIP |
StaEq |
Superelevation |
DesignSpeeds |
Profiles |
Finished ground, design profiles created using imported lines (VIPs), circular vertical curves, parabolic, symmetric, and asymmetric vertical curves. |
ProfAlign |
All elements supported |
ProfSurf |
VIP, pointlist data for a sampled ground surface |
CrossSects |
CrossSectSurf |
As sample lines in sample line group associated with alignment |
DesignCrossSectSurf |
As subassembly |
Plots |
Creates plots from data |
CoordGeom |
All elements supported |
Monuments |
Creates COGO points in a monuments points group |
Surfaces |
SourceData |
Breaklines |
Imported as 3D polylines on layer "<surfacename>_Breaklines" |
Contours |
Imported as 3D polylines on layer "<surfacename>_Contours" |
DataPnts |
Imported as COGO point group named "<surfacename>_DataPoints" on layer "<surfacename>_DataPoints" |
Definition |
Triangulation |
Option to import faces, then either update triangulation or maintain the triangulation in the file. Supports face edge visibility and face neighbor optimization attributes. |
Survey |
ReducedObservations |
Creates COGO points in an observations point group. Important: Using the Import LandXML command from the File menu does not import survey data into the survey database. For more information, see To Import Survey XML Data.
SurveyMonuments |
Creates COGO points in a monuments point group |
PlanFeatures |
CoordGeom |
Imported as 3D polylines to current layer |
PipeNetworks |
Each <Pipe Network> is imported as a AutoCAD Civil 3D pipe network |
Pipe |
Supports curved pipe |
Units.diameterUnit |
Structs |
Units.diameterUnit |
PipeFlow |
StructFlow |
LandXML Element Supported | Notes |
Units |
Always exported |
Application |
Always exported |
Author |
CoordinateSystem |
Uses Map Zone name / European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG) name |
CgPoints |
Point group exports as <CgPoints> with matching name and all points export. If an AutoCAD Civil 3D point has a point name, the name is exported to the LandXML point name attribute. Otherwise, the point number is exported to the LandXML point name attribute. |
Alignments |
CoordGeom |
As lines, curves, and transitions. |
AlignIP |
StaEq |
Superelevation |
DesignSpeeds |
Profiles |
ProfAlign |
Design profiles with lines, circular vertical curves, parabolic, symmetric, and asymmetric vertical curves. |
ProfSurf |
CrossSects |
CrossSectSurf |
Sample lines exported as CrossSectSurfs |
DesignCrossSectSurf |
Assemblies exported as DesignCrossSectSurfs |
Plots |
CoordGeom |
As lines, curves, and transitions. |
Surfaces |
Triangulation, GRID, and volume surfaces exported. |
SourceData |
Breaklines |
Contours |
DataPnts |
Definition |
Triangulation |
Carriageways |
Corridors exported as <Carriageways> with references to <Alignments> with Profiles and Cross Sections (both sampled ground and design sections) and to one or more reference surfaces. |
PipeNetworks |
Pipes |
Units.diameterUnit |
Structs |
Units.diameterUnit |
PipeFlow |
StructFlow |